A Fitness Information


Carrie Fisher Losing Weight and Getting Healthy
David on 03/16/2018 at 5:56pm (UTC)
 Carrie Fisher, who is the daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher wants to get her Princess Leia body back. Carrie played Princess Leia in the Star Wars movie and wore the famous metallic bikini. Though she says she won't be putting the bikini back on she wants the option to be able to do it. Like so many of us as we age, Carrie has put on weight and is now over weight. Though it is hard for anyone to be over weight it is harder for a Hollywood star. So much of their work demands that they stay in peak shape and remain "forever young". Ms. Fisher has decided to give Jenny Craig her weight problem and has embarked on her journey of losing weight and becoming healthy after reading "hurtful" remarks on blogs. Reportedly, she was compared to Elton John.
Carrie is in good company. She will be walking in the path of other stars who have lost weight with Jenny Craig. Valerie Bertinelli and Jason Alexander both lost weight with the Jenny Craig program. She has vowed she will keep the weight off.

Recently she quipped that her closet is full of clothes that belong to another person and that they had to come up with another letter in the alphabet for her bra size. Though Ms. Fisher doesn't look morbidly obese she is clearly over weight especially when compared to her body in Star Wars as Princess Leia.

Though she is a self confessed brave woman she also admits to having a fear of the scale. She avoids getting on the scale and will not look when she is being weighed. She is on the Metabolic Max Program diet with Jenny Craig. Reportedly, she has already lost 12 pounds. She has said that she wants to lose at least 30 pounds. The 54 year old actress says that she has tried to lose weight before and been on many different kinds of diets that all ultimately failed. This time is different for Ms. Fisher as she has her consultant with Jenny Craig to walk out this life style change with her. Two is better than one. Perhaps this time if Ms. Fisher finds herself being tempted, having a coach to talk her through a weak moment will facilitate the weight loss she desires.

The Metabolic Max Program also includes wearing an arm band which helps to keep track of calorie intake and calories burned. This allows Ms. Fisher to keep track on a daily basis. She knows exactly where she is on this diet and can make adjustments instantly instead of weighting till 5 extra pounds appear on the scale. She will be featured in the new advertising campaign for Jenny Craig. Perhaps this new approach to dieting can work for more than just the stars. We will all be waiting for and watching Ms. Fisher's progress.

Weight Loss Options
David on 03/16/2018 at 5:49pm (UTC)
 It seems that the new year always brings a list of resolutions that most of us never follow through with. One of the most common resolutions I hear people make is to lose weight. This is one of the hardest ones to follow through with, I believe, but there are several ways to lose weight and I would like to enjoy anyone who needs to lose it to take advantage of the way that they feel will help them the best.
Being overweight can be a serious health concern when it begins to affect other parts of our lives. It is important to realize that you have a problem and to tackle the problem head on. Americans seem to be obsessed with weight and obesity is becoming an increasing health risk.

The first thing that anyone who wants to lose weight needs to do is to make a decision to make a change and find a buddy who will help to hold them accountable for their weight. If you have a friend who is also losing weight that should be your buddy as you can hold each other accountable. It is harder to explain gaining weight to a friend who knows you are supposed to be losing than to explain it to yourself. You will allow yourself to make excuses that a friend will not allow to slide by.

The next step is to exercise. It seems that our time is valuable and many people do not feel that they have the time for exercise, but it is one of the best ways to lose weight. The American Heart Association says that we should get an hour of exercise at least three days a week and preferably five days a week. The best way to incorporate exercise into your day is to work it in during short periods of time each day. You could exercise ten minutes three times per day and be okay just as well as doing a full half hour each day. Any kind of physical activity is a great way to get moving, so try walking, running, vacuuming, or any type of exercise.

The next thing to do is to set goals for yourself. You need to know how much weight you want to lose in a certain amount of time and so you can figure it out weekly as to what you need to lose each week. Also, set yourself a goal of how you will lose it and what you would like to do each day and do it!

Eating right is another great way to lose weight. It is important to eat smaller meals. Be sure to stay hydrated as well as it is important to your overall health and dehydration will increase your appetite. Make sure that your diet includes plenty of protein and not sugar.

Another way to lose weight is to join a group or club, such as Weight Watchers. These groups will help anyone who is willing to lose weight. Many hospitals and doctors offices will also offer classes that will help dieters to gain knowledge of what foods they should eat and a healthy exercise plan. Meeting with a dietitian can be one of the first steps in losing weight.

One of Weight Watchers biggest plans is to control portion sizes. Anyone knows that it is not necessarily that sweets are bad for you or will cause you to gain a lot of weight, but if you happen to eat a whole cake or pie, then the sweet will cause you to gain weight. It is important to know how many calories are in certain foods and how many calories that you should eat in a twenty-four hour period of time.

In drastic cases, bariatric surgery could be the answer to your weight loss dilemma. This surgery is only for certain people as it modifies the stomach in some way to aid in weight loss. Diet is still an important aspect of the weight loss even after surgery. Anyone with serious medical conditions who have a body mass index of 40 are usually considered the top candidates for this surgery.

The best thing to remember when you set a goal to lose weight is to take it one day at a time in whichever way you decide to lose it. Weight loss doesn't happen over night and it is important to take it slow and steady. There are days that when you step on the scale, you may not have lost what you were hoping to, but do not beat yourself up just take a walk, do ten minutes of exercise, just get moving and after time you will see a difference. Not everyone can be as thin as a supermodel and it is not any healthier to be underweight as it is to be overweight. What you are on the inside is what makes you beautiful on the outside.




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